Talking Portrait Museum Technology Design and Installation

Museum Exhibit Technology for One of Boston's Top-Rated Attractions

Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum Logo

Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum

Located on the Congress Street Bridge in Boston, Massachusetts, this floating Boston Museum is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Live actors, high-tech, interactive exhibits, authentically restored tea ships and the stirring, multi-sensory documentary “Let it Begin Here,” are just a taste of what guests see, hear and feel.

Tossing Tea Overboard - Boston Museum Exhibit

The Problem

When Historic Tours of America approached MediaMerge they had one purpose in mind: How can we use technology to tell the story of the Boston Tea Party in a way that's engaging, memorable and effective?

The Goal

  • Transport guests into these important historical events
  • Use the element of surprise to create a fun experience
  • Overwhelm the senses
  • Make the process of learning as enjoyable as possible

The Result

During the experience guests meet the colonists, explore the ships and dump tea overboard just as the Sons of Liberty did on that fateful night of December 16, 1773. It’s educational, entertaining and enlightening — an experience not to be missed by adults and children of all ages.

The tour lasts approximately one hour and takes guests through a variety of virtual exhibits, authentically restored tea ships as well as traditional Boston Museum Exhibits that are all interconnected. The tour is designed to give guests the opportunity to participate, explore and learn about the people, events and consequences that led up to the American Revolution in the order in which they actually occurred more than 230 years ago.

Historic Tours of America relied on MediaMerge to provide a wide range of technology for the museum’s interactive exhibits including:


Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum Exhibit Project
"In every way, MediaMerge represented cutting edge capability with an unflagging sense of camaraderie and eagerness to make our vision a reality in what is certainly one of the most compelling new museums in the United States. With our budget, I don’t think it would have been possible with any other company."
Chris Belland - Historic Tours of America

Chris Belland
CEO/Historic Tours of America


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