A new technology applied to a proven approach
Touch-screen-based systems control has been around for quite a while. There’s just something cool about touching a screen and then seeing something happen out in the real world. MediaMerge has been developing control applications for sound, video and lighting systems for the last ten years, but the new possibilities presented by the advent of portable, tablet computers is truly exciting.

With so many devices offering IP-based communication and the proliferation of wireless devices, the possibilities for convenient, creative control are endless.
How does MediaMerge use Smartphones, iPads, Androids in control applications?
MediaMerge has a well-developed approach to graphical user interface design. All of our control applications are built to specifically meet the needs of each client. Button shapes, colors, textures and organization are used effectively, so that system operators can quickly understand how to get things done.
Our control systems are not platform specific and can interface with a broad range of devices including iPads, Android devices, and most smart phones. Control from one of these devices is not the solution to every problem, but there are specific instances in which the technology can be applied with great effect. While you could theoretically control every aspect of sound, video and lighting presentations from your iPhone, it’s usually not the most effective means of running a media system. However, the ability to remotely power systems on, select presets and make adjustments from outside the normal control area can present awesome opportunities to improve the use of your system. It’s not uncommon for our clients to discretely adjust lighting presets from a front-row seat during a theater presentation or set monitor levels on stage during sound check.
The added benefit of this type of control app approach is that in most cases, MediaMerge service techs are also able to log into your systems remotely for troubleshooting, system monitoring, maintenance and on-site system training. It’s not an unusual occurence for our techs to see a problem developing, log in to the system, and preemptively correct the issue. Imagine having a service tech call you and say, “we got a notification of an error in your system, but we’ve taken care of it,” before you even knew you had a problem. With MediaMerge control systems, it happens all the time.